I hope all of you are enjoying this beautiful weather. I hope all of you that know Sharon Milner will join me in congratulating her on her new position as Chairperson for the Cedar Creek Cove Architectural Committee. Anyone who would like to volunteer for a spot on the committee please stop by the office and fill out an application.
I had the opportunity to speak with Henderson County commissioner Scott Tuley earlier this week and he informed me that both Indian Gap and Red Bluff Loop were accepted into the Henderson County Roads Program. We are still responsible for their upkeep for the next 2 years but the clock is ticking. Now that the weather is improving be on the lookout for our road employees as they will be out and about throughout the neighborhood attending to any issues that may arise. Hope everyone has a great week don’t forget Loves Outreach Neighborhood Lunch is this Saturday starting at 10 AM lots of free food and fellowship. Hope to see everyone soon. Calvin Jones