This page is dedicated to things you may or may not know about living in Cherokee Shores POA. Some are common sense and some are local or state law. We’ll also sprinkle this page with some news and information about fun things and activities that happen in our community! Lets get started!!!!
The following 7 points are offenses for which the Fire Marshall will issue citations:
****Feeding a stray pet four (4) consecutive days constitutes OWNERSHIP/ CAREGIVER, and can be held responsible for current vaccinations and Henderson County I.D. tags or, the “harborer”can face fines up to $500.00 Dollars.
More folks are using our walking/ jogging trail more than ever!!! FYI it’s One fifth of a mile long, so 5 times around equals one mile.
Did you know Cherokee Shores POA is the largest community of its kind in the entire State of Texas?
The short answer is yes, permits are required and they are available at the POA office for a fee depending on the type of permit needed. Office hours are Tuesday thru Saturday 9:AM to 1 PM. Office located next to the pool.
A mobile home cannot be older than 10 years being brought into Cedar Creek Cove. ***ALL NEED PERMITS***
Yes, so long as the camper is a temporary dwelling while a permanent dwelling is either being built or waiting on mobile home delivery and setup. Also, if you are renovating an existing structure and need temporary shelter. ***PERMIT REQUIRED FOR TEMP CAMPER DWELLING***
Yes! The regulation states that you must keep control of your pets. There are more specific rules and regulations regarding animals that can be picked up at the office for free.
No, the boat ramp areas are only for launching and retrieving boats. There are however other areas such as parks, pavilion and the pool area that are available for gatherings. Please contact office for more information.
POA meetings are held in the clubhouse (next to the pool) on the 2nd Saturday of every month at 10:00AM. No meetings on holiday weekends or during extreme weather or flu outbreak.
Stop by the office and fill out a request form, this is the only way we know that your road needs attention. Please be patient, there are over 27 miles of road in Cedar Creek Cove and we try to get to all requests ASAP.