January 2022

Cedar Creek Cove BOD and POA Minutes
January 8, 2022
BOD Meeting 9 am
In attendance

Calvin Jones – President
Raul (Bully) Matinez – interim Roads Director
Martin Almgren – Vice President/Interim Parks/Pool Director
John Kissane – Architectural Director
John Carroll – Sanitation Director
Christy Hanson – Financial Director
Karen Sanders – secretary/Business Manager
Oscar Batiz – Operations Director

POA Meeting 10 am
P opened meeting. Announced for members to sign in and provide email for future announcements. Asked everyone to stand for Pledge of Allegiance.

P asked if everyone has received a copy of the minutes from last month and financial statement from this month. He asked members to review minutes first. Asked if there were any questions. Asked for motion to accept minutes as written. Frankie made motion to accept minutes, Robert Burroughs seconds it.

FD addressed November minutes needing amendment. Proposed amendments regarding The County Road Program. The November minutes that were approved by the members, it states that the $50 is for the county roads only, and the truth is, the $50 road fee is for the County Roads Program. Not for the county roads. so we need to clarify that and put that the $50 road fee is for the county road program. I think we had somebody from the county requesting that we clarify that in a minutes. Carol made a motion to approve the amendments, Frankie second the motion, all in favor, none opposed.

FD – Anybody have a question on the financial report there are two things that we need to talk about how the financial report one is the financial report and the other one is the proposed budget. Those are two separate approvals. Propose 2022 budget beginning of every year and I pointed out on the budget report I did a year comparison for y’all, usually do a quarter since it was the end of the year I did a year comparison so you could see by the 20-2021 versus 2020 our collections were up for lot assessments by like 28,000 that they were down for roads. I also pointed out that other expenses that’s where our bed that rather far so I’ve got an arrow on that so you can see where those are and then also for the month you’ll see that our collections are up by like a $300 in lot assessment and we are starting to get some of those the last thing on the report on the very last page because I’ve had some questions about payroll and so I somehow people think we’re paying $6000 a month for clerical help, and we are not. So I’ve broken down the payroll department for you for the last two years so you can see where the payroll is going and what’s happening every month and I have for the last two years so I thought that might help with clarification as well. Just know that if there is ever any questions about finances you guys are welcome to contact me I mean I’ll check my emails. Jeannie Wilson had a question regarding $12,733.26 spent for labor for roads. RD responded we have two guys on payroll, that work on patching roads. Mrs. Wilson requested a list of those roads. She then asked for a number of the roads that had been patched. It was clarified for her that the roads department has begun keeping a list of the roads since her last conversation with FD. It was discussed that a list be made available at least once a month. Mr. King asked for clarification on the page of proposed budget. FD directed meeting back to approval for financial report. Carol made a motion to accept, Sharon made a second, all in favor, none opposed. P asked for approval of proposed budget of 2022. Sharon made a motion, Mr. Matthews made a second, all in favor, and none opposed. 2022 budget was officially adopted.

Jeannie Wilson request info regarding amount of back dues that were written off when properties were sold. She also requested the amount brought in by the metal container for the last 5 years. FD responded that she had contacted the company they reported that no money had been paid in 2 years due to the account never being completely set up. FD reported that they cut us a check for approximately $1400. They had never charged us for the container, so it was a wash. The monthly fee for the container is $300-$400 per month. FD stated that she is unable to provide information that occurred before her. Ms. Wilson also requested the name of the attorney consulted for name change. AD responded that several attorneys were consulted. He stated that he contacted the SOS and they walked him through the process. Ms. Wilson stated that the certificate needs to be filed with the county as well. AD stated that he had contacted county attorney, Clint Davis, as well as county clerk’s office. The board agreed to look into filing a management certificate with HC.

Robert Burroughs wanted to know when walking pad in park would be repaired, stating it had buckled. PP and Oscar will look into it.

Sharon Milner brought up another trash pick up day. There was mention of Loves Outreach and community service for help. P asked Ms. Milner to contact county regarding using inmates for help.

Robert Burroughs brought up all the cars on Eskota. AD reminded him of complaint form submission. He also stated that we are pursuing more aggressive procedures and fee structure. Ms. Wilson wanted to know if we have had any help from Nuisance Control, AD stated he was not aware. AD agreed to make contact with Shane Renburg, Fire Marshall.

P introduced roads discussion. He asked Ms. Wilson when the roads program began. She stated that the $50 road fee began 2006 and that the County Roads Program began in 2004. P addressed history, purpose, and function of the program. Approximately 39 roads have been taken over by the county. There was 5 years that no road was accepted into the program. P introduced, by name, the roads that belong to CCC community. For two years, previous administration did not put the designated funds into the account. That was corrected by present administration and the money was placed into the designated account. P proposed to the community for permission to use monies out of the county roads program fund, to hire a company to come in and correct the community roads to be passable. He stated we have received one bid of approximately $8500 per road. The proposal is for the next three years only. He addressed that $70,000 of the current budget will need to be used to chip seal Red Bluff Loop and Indian Gap before the county will consider accepting them into the program. P reiterated that he is proposing to repurpose the funds for 3 years to repair the community/association roads only. Carol Royer brought up the importance of emergency vehicles being able to access these roads. Mr. King asked how much money is collected for roads per year. FD read from the financial report, this year $40,928.00, last year $70k, in 2019, about $70k, and 2018/2017 it was not allocated, so we had to pay it back. FD stated people are refusing to pay the roads fee due to the condition of the roads and lack of repair. Ms. Wilson expressed concerns of the community not being able to maintain the roads. She requested that the proposed plan be put on the ballot for vote in September. She also proposed for the money that had been approved for 10 yards of material, be put toward the repair of the worst roads. Mr. Burroughs suggested using the money to purchase the equipment needed to do and maintain roads. There was ongoing discussion regarding how/where/when to post meeting info for ballot/voting opportunities.

FD suggested putting a committee together to gather info, bids, ideas, etc. John King volunteered, Jeannie Wilson, Robert Burroughs, Ed Pipkins, David Franks, Oscar Batiz and Bully Martinez to chair the committee.

It was proposed that we get a hard bid from Mr. Smith to repair Longhorn and Dakota, to possibly come from the general budget. A motion was made by Ricky White, Jeannie Wilson second, all in favor, none opposed.


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